Thursday, September 8, 2011

Diary Of the Wimpy Kid Dog Days

       Greg was plan to stay at home all summer to play his favorite video games. He was happy about his plan until mom said that he had to do something in the summer not just sit in front of the TV and play those stupid video games.All he wants to stay at home and play video games or somewhere, but this year Greg's dad busy all the time so he don' have free time to take family out to a vacation. Luckily, Greg's mom and Mr. Jefferson have a plan, Greg and Mr. Jefferson will going to the beach together. He only left for 2 day, but Greg have to sent an email to his mom "SOS, this isn't a vacation for me, this a jail". Alot of fun stuff happen in Greg's summer, like going to the pool, with Mr. Jefferson's family go to a vacation,..... 


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